Thursday 8 March 2012

It's All About Fake Relationship

Assalamualaikum... :)

Pro and Con
Okayyy... Tgk entry mesti dah tau Myra nk ckp ttg ape kan ? :)
FAKE RELATIONSHIP , dah jadi perkara biasa for certain facebooker. Tak salah kalau you all nk ber-
FAKE RELATIONSHIP ni (poyo ahh. Myra pon penah buad :D ) as long as korg tak jadi giler sal mende ni. HAHA
Motif ckp 'tak jadi giler' ? Actually Myra dpt tau ade yg
OBSESSED dgn mende ni sampai semua yg partner dorg buat, mesti nk tau. Then bile x dpt tau, mula lah jiwa kacau. Dah jiwa kacau ? It leads them to make the DAMN THINGS. Tak ke "giler" tu ?

But if we look from the good side, actually FAKE RELATIONSHIP ni okay gak :P
WHY ?? You all boleh lah selamatkan diri dari STALKER(s) yg buad korg tak selesa tu :) 
HOW ?? Ye lah, kalau STALKER(s) korg dh nampak "relationship" korg tu, mesti 'dia' xkan STALK YOUR PROFILE lagi. Don't you agree with me ?? HEHE

What's next ?? Hmmmmm....... Even korg agree dgn statement(s) Myra, but there are certain people yg still xleh terima FAKE RELATIONSHIP ni :)
Pape pun, it's up to you whether you want to (y) or (n) this statement. <3

Kboiiiiiii :)

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